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April 5, 2024

Join us for worship in person or on- line at 10 am every Sunday
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  • Masks are optional at Mount Zion 

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  • Deadline for next edition March 20

After being disappointed with empty eggs, as a part of a lesson about the empty tomb, the kids did receive some Easter treats.

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Seen last Week



Nancy Kelly sent this photo of a string of sunshine hanging in the Open Sesame window. She commented that there is no eclipse at Open Sesame! 


Pastor Philip writes

Dear Friends,

The Holy week services last week were indeed special.  There was excitement and joy that was there for all to see, experience and share in. This also reflected in the attendance! “Yes, Christ is risen! He is risen indeed, Alleluia!!”

The Palm/Passion Sunday service had the celebratory mood of Palm Sunday, as we began, tempered by the Passion Reading, which had us reflect on the events that we would focus on in the coming days. Maundy Thursday service with both foot washing and had washing, followed by the stripping of the altar and chancel, was also very meaningful.  The choir took the lead in the Good Friday service and did Mary McDonald's cantata "It Is Finished."  This was a poignant and moving service and touched everyone who were part of it. I also saw it as an instance of how music could elevate our worship experience as a community. The Easter service was also special with the uplifting music and wonderful participation by the choir and special music on her oboe by Sarah J Cardwell!

The place of music in community worship is something that we often overlook.  The leadership of Sarah and the choir through these days was extraordinary and made the days what they were. We are blessed to have this committed group.

We are again in the season of Easter, the season which gives us that hope of new life and new beginnings. Easter gives us that assurance that we are not alone, God in Jesus Christ, through the Holy Spirit continues to be with us, and journeys with us.  As the song goes, “We are not alone, we are not alone, for God is with us, we are never alone, always. . . . .”  But even in the midst of the celebration of life we see death and its forces prevail in manifest forms all around.  The conflict in Gaza, Palestine with its immense suffering and pain makes us question where this God of new life and new beginnings is. The war in Ukraine seems to have no end. In the midst of blatant display of might and hostility we may wonder how God could bring about a transformation of selves and make Easter relevant to the scores that are scrambling to live in safety. Holy week was also a reminder that God suffers with us, is with us in our pain and utter depths. Easter season and the empty tomb  is not just a pointer to the Christian hope that all will rise again, it is not just the end of history encroaching on the present, giving us a glimpse of what the future holds for us, but  it also is the assurance that the risen Christ continues to walk with us and giving us that peace which only he can give, putting us at ease by answering our questions and doubts. But we also have a responsibility to stand with those that are wronged and in pain and do the needful to alleviate their situation. How we could do this without hate and anger but in love and compassion is a challenge.

On Monday after Easter, I received the sad news that Rita Schaus passed away on Easter Sunday, March 31, at Freeport Hospital. Her funeral service was held at Henry Walser Funeral Home on Thursday, April 4. She served the congregation in various capacities, and her quiet, strong presence was an encouragement and example to all who knew her.

During these days let us uplift the Eastern Synod and the coming assembly in our thoughts and prayers, especially the election of the new bishop and the leadership team. Let us also give thanks for the ministries of Bishop Pryce and the leadership team for all their contributions to the life of the church.

Easter Blessings to all!


In Our Prayers

Let us pray for Claudine, Christine, Marilyn, Konrad, Mary Helen (mother of Bob Kelly), Sandra, Julian, George, Betty, Rosalie, James, Thelma, Helen, and Don and Jean and their daughter Tai. Let us continue to pray for peace in the world, in Palestine and Israel, Ukraine, Yemen, Ethiopia, South Sudan, and other places.

We also remember and pray for the family of Rita Schaus, who is grieving her loss.

Pr. Philip

April 5, 2024


Thank you for the flowers

Thank you to all of you who purchased Hydragenas which graced our sanctuary on Easter Sunday

Name/          In honour/memory of 

Susan & Richard Brubacher - Loved ones

Joan Brunger - Loved ones

Stephanie Von Schilling - Husband Kurt

Joan & Jacquelyn Schweitzer - Grandpa Stan, Velma & Joyce

Margaret Waechter - loved ones

Pauline Finch - Alfred & loved ones

Hermine Nassau - Husband Willi

Karen & Bill Gastmeier - family members

Mary Thompson - loved ones

Helga Juergensen - loved ones

Carol & Lloyd Ziegler - Parents

Margrit Notter - loved ones

Dianne Frombach - Elmer

Mary Slethaug - Children

Omana John - loved ones

Ann Crossman - loved ones

Judy & John Penteker - loved ones

Henriette Stumper – loved ones


April 28 -Climate Emergence Workshop 

The next Climate Emergency workshop facilitated by Isaiah Ritzmann will be held on Sunday, April 28, after the service.  The title this time is “When the Odds are Stacked Against Us,” and the abstract is “Improbable is not impossible.  But with climate change, the odds are stacked against us.  How do we persevere?"


March Financial Report

Results for the first quarter reflect a deficit of $11,448 in the Ministry & Mission (current) account.  This is significantly better than planned. Higher receipts and lower expenditures resulted in the deficit being $18,706 better than the plan. Member regular gifts of $47,165 were $1,984 better and Rental Income from parking & facility of $17,488 was $3,208 better than plan. Thank you for your ongoing support! Click here for the full report.

Mount Zion Kitchen starts summer break

The volunteers of the Mount Zion Kitchen are hanging up their aprons for the summer. Their last meal service will be Apr. 11, when Curried chicken & rice, & veggies or Chickpea potato curry & rice & veggies is on the menu.

Following the season, a limited number of frozen meals will be offered for sale.

The kitchen folks also remind you to please return your blue plastic meal containers, glass jars and cloth bags to the church office.

Missing Mug  A coffee mug with sentimental value has gone missing from the large kitchen.  It has the imprint “Luther” on it.  If you know anything about this mug, please let the Pastor know.


Mount Zion is featured in the Charitus Annual Report

The Mount Zion Kitchen is featured in the Charitus (formerly ELFEC) 2023 Annual Report as a recipient of their grant program. The Kitchen received $2000, which will help defray some of the cost involved in buying a new commercial dishwasher. The article is on page 5 of the following link.


Coaching available for new Assisting Ministers

Do you want to be more active in our worship leadership?  Do you want to gain confidence when reading text out loud to an audience? Have we an opportunity for you? Joining the Assisting Minister team is an opportunity to learn how to lead worship and to gain confidence in speaking publicly. Coaching is available to those who want to learn how to use their voice when delivering written text. You’ve probably already had experience—reading children's stories out loud.

Join this supportive Assisting Minister team!  Rotation is approximately every 4-5 weeks, and you pick the Sundays that you’re available.   Call the office at 519-886-5820 or speak with either Pastor Philip or Margaret.  

Inshallah – Singing Liberation

Songs and stories from around the world.

Join Inshallah at “Singing Liberation” with songs and stories from around the world on Sunday, April 7, from 3:00-4:00 p.m. at Knox Presbyterian Church. Free-will donation in support of The Water Project (Six Nations of the Grand River). 


April is Jazz Appreciation Month!

In collaboration with the Central Ontario Musicians' Association, The St. Matthews Centre is hosting two Jazz & Spirit evenings to highlight the artistry of local jazz musicians.

Sunday, April 14          Paul Mitchell Dixieland Band 7:00 pm

Sunday, April 28          Larry’s Jazz Guys                     7:00 pm

These free-admission jazz concerts are accompanied by spiritual readings by contemporary authors and are supported through the Music Performance Trust Fund.


Nurse Christine

During a recent chat with Nurse Christine, she asked me to say hello to all of you. She continues to be on leave for the time being. Please keep her in your prayers. 


Exercise Classes continue on Tuesdays. 

Community Support Connections Exercise Classes continue on Tuesday afternoons at 1:00 p.m. These one-hour classes include cardio, strength, balance, and flexibility exercises. This is a free service.  


Mount Zion Cafe -10 am

Meet your friends and enjoy coffee and a few activities at the Mount Zion Café, which meets every second and fourth Wednesday of the month. Call Margaret the day before if you need transportation; she will arrange a driver or taxi.


The Annual Spirituality and Aging Seminar

will take place on Friday, June 21st, in-person and virtually at Conrad Grebel University College. Rev. Dr. Mark Roberts presents “From Problems to Possibilities: Faith Communities Enabling Those in the Third Third of Life to Flourish.” This seminar challenges the narratives about elders in communities, churches, and society at large; exploring the role churches can play in empowering older adults. Visit for registration information. Professionals, practitioners, and all interested are welcome.

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ways to

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Links for Worship and more

  • YouTube

Sundays 10 am Click on the logo to join the Live Stream Worship

(Recordings of the services are available)


VESPERS    7:00 pm Monday - Thursday evenings
(Sign in any time after 6:30, Service starts at 7:00 pm)

Mount Zion's office tel.: 519 886-5820  office hours: Tues. - Fri. 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

How to contact our staff, while our building is closed:  
Pastor Philip Mathai                            cell: 519-781-5602
Music Director Sarah. E. Cardwell
Office Administrator Margaret Waechter           
Nurse Christine Ramseyer            cell: 519-588-8006
Feel free to call our cell phones. If we aren't available we'll return your call!


© 2025 Mount Zion Lutheran Church, Waterloo, ON Canada. 
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