Black History Celebration Service
11:00 am on Zoom Feb 28
Mount Zion
Lutheran Church, Waterloo
We are stirred and guided by God to become an ever more caring, joyful and diverse Christian community, serving all Creation by striving for justice.
Mount Zion is a member of the Eastern Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada

News from Mount Zion
Dec 2, 2022
Join us for worship in person or on- line at 10 am every Sunday
Scroll to bottom of page for contact information and links to services and activities
Mount Zion remain strongly supportive of continued use of masks for members and rental groups.
Deadline for next edition is December 15

Mount Zion's choir participated in the Advent Lessons and Carols service at St Matthews. YOu have to look closely, but our choir was very well represented.

Pastor Philip caught this photo of Pastor Peter Kuhnert's high-energy direction of "The Twelve Days of Christmas. It is an annual tradition and always a highlight.

Advent Services
We are at that time of the church calendar when we enter the season of Advent, which has its roots in the Latin ad-venio, which means to come to. Beginning four Sundays before Christmas, it is a time of preparation that ends with the celebration of the birth of the Son of God. In the western churches Advent also marks the beginning of the church or ecclesiastical year.
A Mount Zion Advent tradition is the joining together for Holden Evening prayer.
Join in on Dec 7, 14 & 21 at 7:00 pm (in person)
Christmas At Mount Zion 2022
Christmas Eve Candle Light Service 7:00 pm in person and live streamed
Christmas Day 10:00 am in person
Musical notes from Sarah
Mount Zion's choir participated in the Advent Lessons and Carols service on Sunday evening at St. Matthews. It was a lovely service full of beautiful Advent music, and we thank Scott for putting it all together.
This coming Sunday (Dec. 4), Bill Gastmeier will sing part of Vaughn Williams' "Five Mystical Songs,” which will help us focus our thoughts on the expectation of Advent.
The choir is preparing some wonderful music for Christmas Eve, with pieces by Canadian, American, and English composers.
On Christmas morning, Pauline will play a suite of flute pieces before the service, and Hannah will be there to lead the hymns and give us a Christmas solo.
Christmas Poinsettias
White Poinsettias will be ordered again this year to enhance our chancel for our Christmas Services. If you would like to participate there is a signup sheet in the narthex or you may call Margaret in the church office at 519-886-5820 or email her at Your poinsettia plant can be picked up immediately after the Christmas Day service.
The cost of the poinsettias is $13.00 for the 6-inch pots and $34.00 for the 10 inch pots. 12/ 16
Office Memos
Pastor Philip will continue to work at home while Joy is recovering from surgery.
Changes to picture phone directory
We are doing our best to keep you informed about any changes to members’ contact information. Sheila Grant called to let us know that her mom has moved. Details below:
Doris Berg
Harbour Hill Retirement Suites
104 Suncoast Dr E, Room 409
Goderich, ON N7A 0A7 Doris’ phone remains the same.
Acknowledgement of the Affirmation of Baptism of Tessa and Evelyn Dec 11
Although Tessa Connor and Evelyn Jykama participated in a joint Affirmation of Baptism service on November 27 at Luther with confirmands from other Lutheran congregations, we will have a time of commitment and dedication during worship on Sunday, December 11, so that the congregation can also celebrate this important milestone in their lives of faith. Initially, this celebration was planned for Reformation Sunday but was cancelled due to illness.
And there will be cake! Thank you, Anne.
Mount Zion Cafe Christmas Party Dec 14
Wednesday December 14th from 10 AM to noon, we invite you to join us at the Café for our Christmas Celebration. Coffee and Christmas goodies will be there for you. In addition, we will be serving homemade soups (made by your church members) along with delicious bread made by Dennis Eaton. We hope you will join us.
This winter we are offering transportation for those who cannot otherwise come to the church. If you would like a ride to the Café, please call Margaret at the church office. Margaret will order a taxi for you (prepaid by the café). Please call Margaret by Tuesday morning before noon. In the new year, we will be offering optional walking to music exercise in the auditorium for those who wish a little exercise in the morning, as well as special events from time to time. Please consider joining us for a good social time.
The Mount Zion Café continues to offer coffee and goodies on the second and fourth Wednesday of the month. Coffee is on at 10 a.m.Your Health Council.
In Our Prayers
In our prayers let us hold up Joy and Philip as Joy recovers from surgery, Ladona, and family as they mourn the loss of Ed Riegert who died October 24, Dianne, Sandra, Jim, Julian, George, Betty, Marjorie, Rosalie, James, Thelma, Helen, Gladys and Don and Jean and their daughter Tai.
The Mitten Tree
Help Others Stay Warm!
Mount Zion, in arrangement with the Anishnabeg Outreach Centre, is collecting donations of hand-made, purchased or gently used items to decorate our Holiday Mitten Tree. Warm items, for all ages, such as gloves, mittens, toques, hats, scarves, socks, slippers, are needed. Even warm winter coats will be accepted.
Donations to decorate The Mitten Tree are now being accepted until December 11th. These items will then be delivered to the Anishnabeg Outreach Centre for distribution, to those in need, throughout the Kitchener-Waterloo, Guelph and Cambridge area.
If you have any questions, please contact: Joan Schweitzer, 519-886-5977
Mount Zion Kitchen
The Mount Zion kitchen has served its last meal this week for 2022, Our chefs can now turn their attention to their Christmas catering and our volunteers can enjoy a well-deserved rest. The Mount Zion kitchen will start up again Thursday, January 12th, with some delicious soups on the menu.
Thank you for your support of this ministry which is helping many. In the past month, we have added a few local families currently experiencing difficult times, to our weekly meal list. Their gratitude is abundant, not only for the meal they receive but also for the kindness shown to them when they arrive at the kitchen door.
We ask that you return the reusable containers and cloth bags that your meals came in. This includes the 1L jars that your soup came in. There are blue return boxes located just inside the front door and at the back entrance. You can put all of the items you are returning in that drop box. It will be sorted before Friendlier company picks up the containers for reuse. If you are not attending church in person, we can collect your containers and bags with January’s delivery.
Mindfulness Meditation Practice Dec 13
Everyone is welcome to attend our Mindful Meditation group every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month. Meet upstairs.
Wear a mask and be fully vaccinated (preferential) and be frangrance free. Be prepared to maintain a two-meter separation. It is suggested to wear comfortable clothes and bring a pillow, mat, or blanket and water. Open to all. No charge and no previous experience necessary. Just come. Call Henriette Stumper 519.885.3434 for more details.
Upcoming meetings:
2022 Tues Dec 13 & Dec 27, 1.30 pm, upstairs 12/16
ShuffleBoard every Wednesday night
It’s baaaack! Shuffleboarders meet Wednesday nights, starting at 7pm in the auditorium. Everyone is welcome to attend. Experience is not necessary. If you need more details, please call Vi Rank at 519-584-0011.
Upcoming Lessons
Sunday Dec 4 - Second Sunday of Advent
Isaiah 11:1-10
Psalm 72:1-7, 18-19 (7)
Romans 15:4-13
Matthew 3:1-12
Sunday Dec 11 - Third Sunday of Advent
Isaiah 35:1-10
Psalm 146:5-10 (8) or Luke 1:46b-55 (47)
James 5:7-10 Matthew 11:2-11
It was all about food and fun
The Caribbean Christmas party was a celebration of food and fun. Mrs Bell, Chef Winston, assisted by several kitchen elves, produced a scrumptious buffet of tasty delights. I’m sure that everyone found at least one new favourite food. Chef Winston’s Onion Marmalade and Mrs Bell’s Oxtails are high on my list.
Music was provided by the Acoustic Steel Band and Sarah accompanied us as we enjoyed singing Christmas carols. And the party would not be complete without Pastor Kuhnert’s leadership of the Twelve Days of Christmas.
Handbell music to ring in the season at Trillium Lutheran December 4
The Christmas and pre-Christmas seasons have long been accompanied by the mellow peal of bells, a sound sorely missed in many community spaces over the past two years when Covid-19 made singing and playing together difficult.
But as we slowly and carefully transition back into live music, bell choirs are making a welcome return. Unlike brass and wind instruments, massed bells can fill large spaces with rich sound, minus the risk of dispersing viral moisture into the air.
Early in December, Trillium Lutheran Church in Waterloo, along with guest musicians from several other local Lutheran churches, will present a special Advent Lessons and Carols afternoon built around the mellow resonance of handbell harmony.
While based on the Christian tradition of interspersing seasonal Bible readings with special music and hymns, the service will be non-denominational; Trillium welcomes people of all ages, backgrounds and faiths to this free event.
What: Hand Bell Advent Lessons and Carols Service
When: December 4, 2022 at 3:30 pm
Where: Trillium Lutheran Church, 22 Willow Street Waterloo
Who: Trillium Lutheran Church Hand Bell Choir, with guests from St. Luke’s Lutheran, Kitchener; St. Matthews Lutheran, Kitchener; and Trinity Lutheran, New Hamburg.

Coming events in the community
Links for Worship and more
Sundays 10 am Click on the logo to join the Live Stream Worship
(Recordings of the services are available)
Sundays 9:40 am Join members for a time of fellowship preceding the service
VESPERS 7:00 pm Monday - Thursday evenings
(Sign in any time after 6:30, Service starts at 7:00 pm)
MOUNT ZION ZOOM CAFE 10:00 a.m. on Wednesdays

Mount Zion's office tel.: 519 886-5820 office hours: Tues. - Fri. 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
How to contact our staff, while our building is closed:
Pastor Philip Mathai cell: 519-781-5602
Music Director Sarah. E. Cardwell
Office Administrator Margaret Waechter
Nurse Christine Ramseyer cell: 519-588-8006
Feel free to call our cell phones. If we aren't available we'll return your call!

Pauline Finch managed to capture several images of the Acoustic Steel Band whose music set the tone for the evening.
That's a lot of dressing!
Mrs Bell simmering the Oxtails. Yum!
Return your take out packaging and bags in these new containers.