Black History Celebration Service
11:00 am on Zoom Feb 28
Mount Zion
Lutheran Church, Waterloo
We are stirred and guided by God to become an ever more caring, joyful and diverse Christian community, serving all Creation by striving for justice.
Mount Zion is a member of the Eastern Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada

Mount Zion Kitchen
Wonderful aromas are wafting through the building again as the cooks and volunteers prepare wonderful meals for purchase and as donations to those with food insecurities in The Mount Zion Kitchen (the name given to the Food Ministry).
​​Mount Zion Kitchen Weekly Menu
All menu items are $15, which helps to defray costs and
support the ministry.
March 6 - Beef Barley soup + salad + roll
March 13 - Jerk Chicken, mashed taters & veggies + salad + roll
March 20 - Tuna noodle Casserole + salad + roll
March 27 - Beef Stew, mashed taters + salad + roll
April 3 - Beef Chili, mashed taters + cornbread + salad
April 10 - Hungarian Goulash, mashed taters + salad +roll
April 17 - Kitchen closed, no meals available
April 24 - Meat Loaf, mashed taters & veggies + salad + roll
May 1 - Chicken Cacciatore, noodles + salad + roll
We are looking for volunteers for this vital ministry
The Mount Zion Kitchen is one way our congregation addresses our community’s food security needs and supports members who have difficulty cooking for themselves.
We are looking for people to help with food prep, cooking, packaging, and delivery. Please consider signing up for a shift or two this fall. Food prep days are Wednesdays. Cooking, packaging, and delivery happen on Thursdays. Lend a hand and be a part of this vital ministry. ​
Contact: Margaret at to place an order for a meal, Payment can be made by cash, cheque at the time of pick up, or electronic fund transfer.
Contact the office to order
Pick up orders at Dawson St entrance between 12 and 12:30 pm
Your purchase of a meal helps to fund our food ministry so treat yourself!
Donations are always welcome and greatly appreciated. Use the
Donate Now Button above or see
Five Ways to Donate (Be sure to note that the donation is for Mount Zion Kitchen)