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from left to right, Anne Woolner, Marg Tupling, Mary Slethaug, Carolyn Doublday,                   Stephanie von Schilling, Betty Behm

Upcoming Events

June 16 – Congregational Meeting

June 23 - Worship in the Park

Sept 29 – New Member Sunday

A rainbow captured following a Church Council meeting last week.

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June 14, 2024

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  • Scroll to bottom of page for contact information and links to services and activities

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  • Masks are optional at Mount Zion 

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  • Deadline for next edition May 30

Join us for worship in person or on- line at 10 am every Sunday

According to the calendar, it is not quite official, but summer is here. It is a time when members of all our committees and those who keep Mount Zion’s programs happening take a well-deserved summer break.

Here are the Mount Zion Café organizers celebrating another successful year while cleaning up after the last Café until fall.

Enjoy your summer gang!!


Music Notes

Sarah is away on June 16th and 23rd on a cruise around the British Isles. Please welcome Kaelyn Pereira, a student of Joyce Knarr, on Sunday.

know that you will make her welcome. 

The music-making will be left in the capable hands of the Guitar Choir and members of the congregation for Worship in the Park on June 23.

Beginning on June 16, we will be using setting 10 for the summer. Setting 10 is entirely set to hymn tunes we are familiar with, which makes for easy participation during the summer when the choir is on a break and visitors are likely. 


In Our Prayers

Healing God, we raise up before you all who are ill, struggling, or grieving, trusting in your

healing and your wholeness. We pray especially for Konrad, Mary-Helen Lauris and her family, Sandra, Christine, George, Marilyn, Rosalie, Helen, the Stewart family, Julian, Betty, Thelma

and the Riegert family on the passing of their beloved son and brother, James.


It is with sadness that we learned the news that James Riegert passed away on June 6, 2024, at Freeport Hospital. The Riegert family invites the people of Mount Zion to join them in giving thanks for the life of their son and brother, James. at a Memorial Service held at Mount Zion on Tuesday, June 18, at 1:30 pm

The service will be live-streamed using the Sunday Service Link or

“Rest eternal grant him, O Lord, and let tight perpetual shine on him.”

We need a quorum!
Congregational Meeting June 16 to Adopt new Constitution and Bylaws

Our newsletter has been running reminders for this very important meeting for the last couple of weeks. June 16 is approaching, and we urge you to attend, as we will need a quorum to proceed. The meeting's purpose is to Adopt a new Constitution and Bylaws document and three related policies. We will only highlight the differences during the meeting to keep the meeting short. You can pre-read the new documents at

The documents being discussed are all marked “NEW”. Limited printed copies of the new Constitution and Bylaws are available in the Narthex. In case you missed it, there is more information in the last newsletter.  

New Venue
Worship and Picnic in the Park

There is something special about worshipping in the great outdoors, as long as the weather cooperates. Do you remember sharing jackets and car blankets at our last picnic in 2019? It was chilly but a heartwarming experience. Be sure to be a part of our Worship and Picnic in the Park this summer, and being a little later in the season, it is unlikely to be be chilly. Here’s what you need to know.

Date:   June 23, 2024

            Venue: New  Hillside Park, Waterloo, Picnic Shelter, 352 Marland Drive; first left off University East a wafter Weber as you head towards the Expressway.

            It’s a potluck! Bring a dish to share.

            Service starts at 10 am, followed by games and lunch

            Bring your own dishes and cutlery

Rain? In case of inclement weather, a decision will be made by 8:30 am; if it is determined that it is not the day for a picnic outside, we will have one inside at the church.

Hope to see you there!


Food Card Ministry

While planning your summer vacation, please consider our Food Card Ministry. Even though we are taking some time off, the need for food support remains. We appreciate your ongoing support of this important neighbourhood ministry.


New Usher Captain

The Worship and Music Committee announced this week that Bob McDermott will take on the duties of  Usher Cabinet after Gerry Roeder retired from the position. Thanks Bob!


May Financial Report

Excellent member support, increased rental income, and reduced expenses resulted in a deficit of $29,540 in the Ministry & Mission (current) account. This is significantly better than planned. Thank you!

Additional Comments:

Member regular gifts of $83,146 are $8,378 better than planned.

Rental Income from parking & facility of $18,671 is $2,406 better than plan.

Other income of $2,114 is $1,989 better due to receipt of investment income from our Endowment fund.


Disbursements of $133,471 are $18,070 lower than planned.  Staff costs are $17,092 lower due to Nurse Christine’s Leave of absence, pastoral supply and rental support costs.  Committee expenses are also lower, partially offset by higher Church Operating expenses.


Your support of Benevolence to the Synod and other designated appeals was $25,378. Of this amount, $18,878 was received from members in support of the Synod ($8,536) and other specific appeals ($10,342).  In addition to member support, as noted, $6,500 was received from grants in support of Open Sesame. See the Full Report here


Eastern Synod Assembly Next Week

Pastor Philip and Karen Gastmeier will be attending the 2024 Eastern Synod Assembly as your delegates. Mount Zion's council also voted to fund Hanee Kuhntert as a visitor. The gathering will be held from June 20-22, 2024. at the Delta Hotel, Mississauga ON. Updates from #ESAssembly2024 will be shared via social media channels. In addition you may access a livestream of Assembly 2024 proceedings. You will be able to access the live stream from a link that will appear on the landing page of the Eastern Synod Website.  Additional highlights will be posted on the Synod's social media channels, and electoral announcements will be shared widely via our mailing list. 



Funeral Committee makes Donation to Heat Pump Fund

The hard-working members of the Funeral Committee, led by Vi Rank, have donated $4,488.39 to our ongoing Heat Pump Campaign. Over the years, the Funeral Committee has made several sizable donations to other projects and supplied those little extras that sit outside of the budget. We are grateful for the donation but even more grateful for the faithful service of hosting hundreds of funeral receptions over the years.


Peacemakers Summer Day Camp 

explores themes of peacemaking in local and global contexts. Each day will focus on a peacemaker from a different region of the world, including WangarÄ« Maathai, Thích Nhất Hạnh, The Great Peacemaker, Oscar Romero, and Malala Yousafzai.

We will engage with peacemaking tools that campers can use to work toward peace in their peer communities and to create peace in their hearts.

We look forward to meeting musical guests who will teach us songs of peace and justice from around the world.

Campers can expect a healthy dose of outdoor games, sports, crafts, land-based learning, and more!

Bursaries are also available.

Questions?        Contact Nathan Mantey at


ways to

click here

Links for Worship and more

  • YouTube

Sundays 10 am Click on the logo to join the Live Stream Worship

(Recordings of the services are available)


VESPERS    7:00 pm Monday - Thursday evenings
(Sign in any time after 6:30, Service starts at 7:00 pm)


Mount Zion's office tel.: 519 886-5820  office hours: Tues. - Fri. 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

How to contact our staff, while our building is closed:  
Pastor Philip Mathai                            cell: 519-781-5602
Music Director Sarah. E. Cardwell
Office Administrator Margaret Waechter           
Nurse Christine Ramseyer            cell: 519-588-8006
Feel free to call our cell phones. If we aren't available we'll return your call!


© 2025 Mount Zion Lutheran Church, Waterloo, ON Canada. 
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