Black History Celebration Service
11:00 am on Zoom Feb 28
Mount Zion
Lutheran Church, Waterloo
We are stirred and guided by God to become an ever more caring, joyful and diverse Christian community, serving all Creation by striving for justice.
Mount Zion is a member of the Eastern Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada

March 7, 2025
Join us for worship in person or online at 10 am every Sunday

Mount Zion was delighted to welcome Bishop of the Eastern Synod , Carla Blakely and Bishop of Saskatchewan Ali Tote to be a part of our Black History Celebrations.
What’s Happening
In March?
Mar 9 Daylight Savings Time
Mar 10 Bible Study 1:30 to 3:30 pm
Mar 11 Exec 10 am
Open Sesame 12:30 pm
Exercise Class 1:00 pm
Mar 12 MZ Kitchen Chop 8:45am
MZ Café 10 am
Wednesdays in Lent 6:00 pm
Mar 13 MZ Kitchen Cook 8:45
Choir Practice 10 am
Mar 16 Worship 10 am
Mar 17 Bible Study 1:30 to 3:30 pm
St Patrick’s Day
Mar 18 Exercise Class 1:00 pm
Mar 19 MZ Kitchen Chop 8:45am
Wednesdays in Lent 6:00 pm
Mar 20 MZ Kitchen Cook 8:45
Choir Practice 10 am
Council 7:00 pm
Mar 23 Worship 10 am
Film Anna Kaljas Film 11:45 am
Mar 24 Bible Study 1:30 to 3:30 pm
Mar 25 MZ Café 10 am
Exercise Class 1:00 pm
Mar 26 MZ Kitchen Chop 8:45am
MZ Café 10 am
Wednesdays in Lent 6:00 pm
Mar 27 MZ Kitchen Cook 8:45
Choir Practice 10 am
Mar 30 Worship 10 am
Mar 31 Bible Study 1:30 – 3:30 pm
April 1 Exercise Class 1:00 pm
April 2 MZ Kitchen Chop 8:45am
Wednesdays in Lent - 6:00 pm
April 3 MZ Kitchen Cook 8:45
Choir 10 am
Good Friday April 18
Easter April 20
Deadline for April edition of
​Mount Zion News
April 2, 2025
See what's on the menu at the Mount Zion Kitchen
Our Lent Banner​​
Ash Wednesday is the beginning of Lent, a period of penance. The colour purple used for the parament and banner during the Lenten season symbolizes pain and suffering. The sculpture represents Christ crucified. This is a period of prayer and preparation before we celebrate the resurrected Christ. Part of a series about Mount Zion's banners by Susan Brubacher
Photos from Black History Sunday
For a short film clip of our Black History Luncheon
Music from the Service

Civic Leaders on the job at the buffet

Mrs. Bell and Karen Gastmeier receive a plaque thanking Mount zion for their support of the Scholarship program from Marsha Smellie of the Caribbean Assoication..

There was a great crowd for lunch

Chef Winston and Mrs Bell cooked up a storm

Fried Plantain was on the menu!

Communion with Leo!

Sue sports a smile and lots of colour

Guest speakers for the the afternoon session were Leo Johnson above and Anthoney Bell, a former scholarship winner below

Bishop Ali Tote was the guest preacher
Chronos for Lent! And…Kairos for Lent!
Pastor Claudine Carlson
In English, the title of this reflection is simply “Time for Lent! And…Time for Lent!” No, that catchy title is neither redundant nor intended to impress you with my scanty knowledge of Greek. But, unlike English, Greek offers two words for “time”, and one of them expresses perfectly how I’m approaching Lent this year.
Chronos means “time” in a quantitative sense - time that you can measure in minutes and years, time as duration. Questions such as “What time is it?”, “How much time do I have?’, “How long does it take to get there?” etc., speak of chronological time. But the Greek word kairos refers to time in a qualitative sense - i.e., time which cannot be measured at all. Instead of specifying the number of hours in a day, it is characterized by what happens in that day. “I had a great time yesterday!”, “It’s time to tell the truth”, “a time to laugh, and a time to weep”, the birth of Jesus in “the fullness of time” - that’s the language of kairos! Put simply, it’s the “right time” or “opportune moment” to do, say or experience something.
Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday, the beginning of chronos Lent. Since becoming a Lutheran in 1970, I’ve found meaning in the season and welcome it each year. A necessary rhythm in my life of faith, it’s hard to imagine an Easter morning worship without the journey through Lent. And here I am, fifty-five years later, still welcoming this holy season. All quite familiar by now, and yet…this year feels different, and I know why. This will be a kairos Lent for me.
“Huh?!?”, you ask? Let me explain. It has to do with the current state of the world. Always a complex place with unrest brewing here, heartbreaking tragedy there, etc., there’s now a relentless, out-of-control sense of chaos across the globe. We can neither find logic in it nor keep on top of it - everything’s happening too fast. So no wonder that, along with Jesus, “my soul is troubled”. (John 12:27) I suspect your souls are “troubled” too. We are reluctant, captive players in a drama for which we have no script, but Act 1, still unfolding, suggests it may turn out to be a tragedy, leaving untold human suffering in its wake. If you can bear it, check out how much misery and death the de-funding of USAID has caused already. It’ll break your heart.
To say we’re living in troubled times seems a gross understatement, does it not? To quote our beloved Lutheran anthem, “the hoards of ‘devils’ that fill the land” are, indeed, “threatening to devour us”. Us! The peace-loving, supportive, friendly, polite neighbour - Canada! Our outrage at the betrayal and bullying is palpable, but it is not ours alone. No doubt the people of Ukraine and members of the NATO alliance feel likewise - baffled and shaky about a future where America is more aligned with Russia than with us, the “good guys”! What a terrifying, but possible prospect for a new world order - or a new dis-ordered world! How can we people of faith find the “peace of God that passes all understanding” in such a messy, ugly, threatening time? Well, we find it where the people of God have always found it…in the ongoing story of God’s faithful love, grace and endless mercy revealed most fully in the life, death and resurrection of our Lord, Jesus the Christ!
Lent puts us on a journey to the cross with Jesus. As the story unfolds, it seems destined to end in tragedy. There are powerful, ruthless rulers hell-bent on destroying an innocent man - the villains. There are the cowardly mockers who take delight in humiliating Jesus. And how about the cowardly disciples who flee the scene as he’s being arrested? Scenes of blood thirsty mobs, moments of incredible tenderness, words of incomprehensible forgiveness! All that and more in the story of a suffering God “who so loved the world”. Here, in this life-giving, transforming story, I will learn anew that God alone has the last word - ever and always a good and healing word. I will be challenged to pray for my enemies as Jesus instructed. (Extra help is needed with this one, Lord!) I will be summoned to pray for this aching, broken, beloved world and risk having my heart broken in the process, and there’ll likely be some surprises en route; they’re to be expected on the walk of faith. Whatever lies ahead, I know that now, more than ever, I need to make this story my own. Peace, courage, and a stubborn hope are offered therein, and I look forward to receiving these gifts of grace. Kairos for Lent, dear people. Thanks be to God!
Anna Kaljas: The Untold Story
On Sunday, March 23, at 11:45 am, filmmaker Dwight Storring will be showing his film “Anna Kaljas: The Untold Story” in the Sanctuary. This event is arranged by the Health Council and the Justice through Service Committee. All are welcome. Stay tuned for more details.
A Lenten Bible study Lenten Bible Study with Claudine Carlson
All who wish to enrich their journey through Lent are invited to join Pastor Claudine Carlson in a six-week Bible study.
With the gospel accounts as a source and inspiration, we’ll take a deep dive into the passion narratives through study, questions, conversation, imagination, and contemplation. From the betrayal and Last Supper to the death and burial of our Lord, we’ll consider anew how this “greatest story ever told” can deepen our lives of faith today.
We’ll also compare and contrast the four accounts in some detail. Why, e.g., does John recount foot-washing on Holy Thursday while omitting the institution of the Lord’s Supper? Why is Luke the only writer who reports, “Father, forgive them…” in the words Jesus speaks from the cross? Such unique contributions offer insights into each author's heart, mind, and theological purpose.
All participants will receive a study booklet that includes each week’s texts, suggestions for reflection, and plenty of space to note questions and comments. Registration is required no later than Thursday, March 6, by contacting Pastor Claudine at (519) 501-3759 or email: Mondays, beginning March 10, 2025
Wednesdays in Lent
6:00 pm Community Meal of Soup, Bread and Water
7:00 pm Worship - Holden Evening Prayer
7:15 pm Presenter and Discussion
8:15 pm Blessing & Journey home
Mar 12 All Saints, 400 Northfield Dr. W. Waterloo “The Journey - Homeless to housed” Rev Marty Levesque
Mar 19 Trillium Lutheran Church 22 Willow St “Family Struggles”
Rev Leanne Darlington
Mar 26 Holy Saviour 33 Allen St East “Finding Home: Refugees and Housing Insecurity”
Rev Greg Jenkins
Apr 2 Christ Lutheran Church 445 Anndale Rd “What is Home - Elder Transition”
Rev David Malina
Apr 9 Mount Zion 29 Westmount Road South “United in Providing Shelter”
Rev Philip Mathai
​​Noon hour Organ Recital and Soup Lunch
Please join us at St. Matthews on Wednesdays during Lent for a noon-hour organ recital and soup lunch. All are welcome to enjoy a soulful musical performance on the Casavant pipe organ and then enjoy a warm and nourishing soup lunch. Admission is Pay-what-you-can. Discover the listing of talented local organists who will be presenting in this series. Contact me at the phone number or email below for further information.
Scott Knarr, Diaconal Minister of Music, St. Matthews Lutheran, 54 Benton St, Kitchener cell: 519-503-5756​
Music Notes
The choir very much enjoyed being part of our lively Black History service. We are so happy to welcome tenor Samuel Reeves as a choral scholar.
The choir is busy preparing some lovely music for Palm Sunday, Good Friday, and Easter. Gus Bolton, a fine young trumpeter, will be joining us for Easter Sunday.
More copies of All Creation Sings have been ordered, so there should be enough for congregational use.
Mount Zion Women's Retreat
It's that time of year once again when we look forward to Mount Zion Women's Retreat, being held this year May 2nd - 4th at Hidden Acres Camp & Retreat Centre near New Hamburg. Our theme for this year is "Let Us Pray", led by Pastor Tanya Varner of Trinity New Hamburg. The cost for the weekend remains at $130, which includes two nights' accommodation, a portion of our food costs, plus the cost of our craft materials.
Watch the bulletin board in the narthex for registration forms. If you are interested, PLEASE REGISTER EARLY, as we always have women from other congregations who will be joining us. If you have any questions about the weekend, speak to Carol Ziegler at 519-886-6675 or Anne Woolner at 519-743-2277. Deadline for registration is April 14th, 2025.
Financial Update
Blame it on the snow AGAIN!
Treasurer Richard Brubacher reports that significant snow-clearing costs negatively affected our results for YTD February, resulting in a deficit of $16,887. Snow removal costs totalled $14,573 for the two-month period. While a deficit was anticipated, it exceeded the plan by $6,347 in the Ministry & Mission (current) account.
Balancing that news, member support remained strong. Thank you!
Pasto Philip Away
Pastor Philip will be away from March 7 to 12, as he has been invited by the South Florida Mar Thoma Church to give a lecture on March 8. We are pleased to announce that Pastor Peter Kuhnert will be with us on Sunday in his place.​​​
Did you know that we have a defibrillator?
Yes, we have AN AED- Automated External Defibrillator! It is mounted on the wall at the entrance to the church office in the narthex.
So why and how did Mount Zion come to receive this device? Several years ago, in 2010, our Health council and St Louis Catholic Church members held a Health Promotion Event for our joint congregations. Carol Zeigler was one of those who attended this session. She was shocked to learn that EMS responded many times to calls from churches. Not long after learning this, Carol came to me, the Parish Nurse at that time, offering to purchase an AED to be installed in the church in honour of her mother, who had passed away recently. Her mom, Florence Kreutzkamp, had been very active in her church life so this felt like a fitting memorial to honour her faith commitment.
To date, we have never had to use the defibrillator at Mount Zion. However, we are truly blessed to have this life-saving device should the need arise during a sudden cardiac event. It is user-friendly and, once activated, gives clear, concise and easy directions for use. Have a look at it the next time you are in church. Betty Behm
Mount Zion Kitchen
Our volunteers are busy every Wednesday and Thursday preparing our meals. At our meeting with DISTRO it was decided we will not be preparing meals for them for the rest of this school year. They are preparing a proposal for September on how we might be involved. We have prepared a new menu for the coming weeks - see our web page for it. Thank you for supporting this ministry. Jane Schlegel
Canadian Council of Churches
Spurred by the astonishing growth of language learning models and other AI tools, in 2023, the Canadian Council of Churches’ Faith and Life Sciences Reference Group began reflecting on AI from a faith perspective, and after careful deliberation, all of our members agreed that we could sign the Rome Call for AI Ethics. In 2024 we submitted an application and were accepted as a signatory, making us one of the first Canadian organizations to sign the call! Pastor Peter is the vice-chair of this committee.
One Hour for Earth
On March 22, from 8:30 to 9:30 pm (local time), people around the world will celebrate Earth Hour. Since 2007, this movement has invited us to switch off the lights and come together to protect our planet. Not only is it a time to reflect on the climate crisis and loss of nature, but it’s also an opportunity to put our technological devices down and connect with friends and family. It’s just one small action, but when performed with millions of people worldwide, it can make a big difference!
Peacemaker Day Camp -Help Wanted
Please share these job descriptions and youth volunteer opportunities for this summer's Peacemaker Day Camp at Trillium Lutheran Church. They. hope to involve youth from many congregations! You can also share on social platforms using this link which contains all the same information:
Peacemaker camper registration is available at an early bird discount until March 1st:
Nathan Mantey, Youth & Family Ministry, Trillium Lutheran Church,
Food Card Ministry
​The Food Card Ministry continues to help about 45 families and 15 individuals with their groceries every two months. We hope our members will continue to support the program at the current level — it seems unlikely that food insecurity will decrease in our Region in the very near future! Mary Thompson.​
Summer Lutheran Youth Camp
We are a welcoming, affirming, relationship-building experience of camp that brings together youth from across southwestern Ontario. Established in 1966, we have a rich history of fellowship, worship, learning, and fun activities. We gather on the beautiful shores of Lake Huron at Camp Kintail on August 24-29, 2025. Although many still think of us as a confirmation camp we have moved into creating space for our youth to come together in an intentional Christian community, creating space for them to feel safe, to be who God created them to be, building their leadership skills, and nurturing their relationship with God. The cost for the week is $725 by April 27 ($750 after that), which covers accommodations, food, and activities. If you’d like more information about camp, or to register to join us, please contact for more information.
Red Maple Donation
We were delighted when Warren Luk and Ms. Bigun Gong dropped into the office with a donation of $250. on behalf of the Red Maple Seniors Association, an organization that has been meeting in our auditorium on Sunday afternoons since 2007.
“This is to thank the church for giving our club continuous support over the years,” reports Warren in an email.
Last Sunday the Red Maples partnered with Hospice Waterloo Region in order to hold a series of seminars and workshops geared for the Chinese community about elderly health concerns, palliative care, and advanced care planning.
Thank you, people of the Red Maple
National Church Council is seeking members
The ELCIC Nominating Committee is seeking candidates who might let their name stand for either National Church Council or the Court of Appeal. For the Eastern Synod, we are allotted two lay positions and one clergy position on the National Church Council, and for the Court of Appeals we need a total of three lay and two rostered positions from any synod. We are hoping to have two names stand for each of these positions.
If you know anyone interested or qualified for these positions, please ask them to contact for more information.​​​​​​​​​​
Links for Worship and more
Sundays 10 am Click on the logo to join the Live Stream Worship
(Recordings of the services are available)
VESPERS 7:00 pm Monday - Thursday evenings
(Sign in any time after 6:30, Service starts at 7:00 pm)