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November 1, 2024

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Join us for worship in person or on-line at 10 am every Sunday
All Saints Sunday, Nov 3
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All Saints Sunday is a day in which we remember all the faithful who have gone before us and give thanks to God that by His mercy, He received us all into eternal life with him.

The white banner and paraments symbolize purity, light and joy.

People around the world celebrate All Saints Day in a number of different ways. Some light candles, some lay flowers, and others prepare and cook feasts for the departed souls.

At Mount Zion, we will be remembering those who departed last year with the lighting of candles.

You are also encouraged to light a candle to remember your cherished loved ones.

Mount Zion will be remembering these members who passed this year between October 2022, and Nov 2, 2023


See what's on the menu at the Mount Zion Kitchen

Mark Your Calendar for these upcoming events

Nov 23 - Caribbean Christmas Dinner

Nov 24 - Pastor's Lunch

Dec 20 - German Christmas Service

Congregation Engagement - Lutheran Two Rivers and Grand River Ministry Area Round Table_.j
Pastor Philip Writes

It has been an event-filled fall. In the last few weeks, Pastor Carla Blakely was ordained Bishop of the Eastern Synod; we welcomed 21 new members and friends to Mount Zion, we celebrated Reformation and Whitney Connor and Avery Schlegel publicly affirmed their baptism. 

Several of our members gave leadership and participated in the beautiful and music-filled Service of Ordination. Bishop Carla will take over responsibilities from Bishop Pryse at the beginning of November.  

Last Sunday, during our observation of Reformation Sunday, we expressed our gratitude for the movement of the Spirit within the church in the 16th century. In many ways, however, we have become static and have lost our ability to reform and stay relevant to the times and contexts we are a part of.  

Reformation ought to be an ongoing process for the church to remain relevant and meaningful in this world. During the service, two of the three youths who had completed the program affirmed their Baptism. Whitney Connor, Avery Schlegel, and the absent Ethan Connor went through the confirmation program. Let us hold them in our prayers as they continue their faith journey.  

Pastor Peter Kuhnert and I have been part of the ongoing education of the pastors and deacons of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Guyana. This is an outcome of the ongoing partnership between the ELCG and the Eastern Synod. We were in New Amsterdam, Guyana, at the ELCG Headquarters at the end of January and early February of this year for 2 weeks, conducting retreats for their pastors and deacons. Earlier this month, we held two days of virtual retreats for them. Once again it was a time of sharing both their experiences and challenges along with ours and learning together.  

It is indeed gratifying that we could use our resources and training to support the leaders of the ELCG in their ministry as they consider the challenge of keeping pace with the changing social and economic spheres in their country.  

On the 11th and 12th, both Joy and I attended the family conference held by the Mar Thoma Church (St. Thomas Church), the church of our roots. It was held at their church facility in Stouffville, north of Toronto.  

About 300 people representing 12 congregations attended. I was the plenary speaker and Joy led workshops. We focused on the importance of faith in family and family relations. They, too, are facing the same issues that European immigrant families faced when the church, which was the primary support network, became less so for succeeding generations.  

To most of these folks the church gives them a sense of identity as far as their faith is concerned and also in terms of culture. But the loyalty of the second and third generations to the church is different from those that emigrated, as they struggled in the new cultural and also larger theological contexts.  

In Our Prayers

Konrad Ciesielski, who did the janitorial responsibilities at Mount Zion, died last Sunday, October 20. His funeral was held at Sacred Heart RC Church, Kitchener, last Friday. It was a pleasure to know him and talk to him whenever he was in the building. Let us hold his wife Marzena, children Patryk and Claudia and the larger family in our prayers as they mourn his death.

Let us pray for Kerry Joy, Barb, Christine, Marilyn, Mary-Helen, Sandra, Julian, George, Betty, Rosalie, Thelma, Helen, Jean and Tai and the Ciesielski family as they mourn the death of Konrad. Let us continue to pray for peace in the world, especially in Palestine, Israel, Lebanon

Ukraine, Russia, Yemen, South Sudan and other places. For wisdom and discernment to the leaders to work towards peace. Let us remember all those affected by natural disasters. Let us remember our own congregation as we, together, look to the future.

In Christ,

Pastor Philip

Music Notes

Be sure to join us on Sunday, Nov.10, at 3:00 for a fun hour or so of homegrown entertainment when "Mount Zion's Got Talent" happens. There will be some light refreshments following.

The choir is preparing some lovely music for All Saints this coming Sunday. A highlight will be Irish composer Liam Lawton's "The Cloud's Veil", a beautiful piece for All Saints, full of depth and meaning and radiating hope.    Sarah

National Bishop Writes to Prime Minister

Bishop Susan has written to the Prime Minister expressing deep concern that Israel’s parliament passed a law on Monday banning the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) from operating in Israel. Read it here

Nov 5 - Lutheran Day of Learning

On Tuesday, Nov 5, Mount Zion will host The Lutheran Day of Learning, which includes a series of presentations that Lutherans are sure to resonate with, from a panel discussion on the approaching 50th Anniversary of the Ordination of Women in the ELCIC to a presentation about our Archive Collection. The day finishes with a Bible Study with Rev Dr. Gordon Jenson. Click here for the Nov 5 full program

The live-stream  link is  (Our usual worship link)


Nov 6  - Canadian Council of Churches - Eighty Years of Ministry

On Wednesday, Nov 6 hear several panels discussing the 80 years of the ministry of the Canadian Council of churches. Click here for the Nov 6 full program.

The Canadian Council of Churches invites you to join us as we remember our foundation in 1944, reflect on 80 years of shared mission and ministry, and look toward the next phase of our work together for justice, unity, and reconciliation in Canada.

Nov 10 - Mount Zion Has Talent - A Music on the Mount Event

Be sure to attend this fun event where our more musical members will share some musical treats that you wouldn't usually see on a Sunday morning. Funds raised from this pay-as-you-can event will go toward the support of the Choral Scholar program. It all starts at 3 pm in the sanctuary.

Nov 13 Mount Zion Café

Join us at the Mount Zion Cafe on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month, 10:00 to 11:30 a.m., in the Fellowship Hall. Bring a friend! Join in the conversation and meet new and old acquaintances. Learn some health tips that you may find helpful. Call Margaret in the church office by 9:45 a.m. if you need a ride. Future Dates November 13, 27,  December 11.

News from The Mount Zion Kitchen

We welcomed back our 'lettuce spinner', Hermine Nassau, from her Europe River Cruise and her visit with relatives in Austria. Please call the church office by Tuesday noon to order for your Thursday pickup/delivery. Thank you    Jane Schlegel

Here are the menus for the next few weeks. The menus until early January are available at

November 07, 2024   

Sausage, mash taters, braised red cabbage + salad + roll

Veg option – Chickpea Curry + salad + roll

November 14, 2024

Chili & mashed taters + salad, corn bread

Veg option – Pasta in marinara sauce

November 21, 2024

Meat Loaf, mashed taters + salad + roll

Veg Option – Vegetarian stew

November 23 -  Mount Zion’s Caribbean Christmas Party  

It’s time for a party! It’s time to enjoy a traditional Turkey Dinner embellished with tastes of the Caribbean. It’s time to sing Christmas songs and carols and enjoy the music of the Acoustic Steel Band. It's time to sing the Twelve Days of Christmas, which has become a Mount Zion tradition.

The funds raised from this event support the expense of February’s Black History Month Celebrations. Come out and enjoy the food and welcome the Christmas season. Tickets for both take-out and the party are available in the narthex.

Doors Open – 5:45 pm

Dinner  6:00 pm

Cost - $50. per person (Kids under 12 are free) 

Take out Dinner   $45.


Alfred Brunger Community Garden Update 

Despite the beautiful weather we have been experiencing this fall, the Alfred Brunger Community Garden gardeners met on Oct 19 to ready the beds for the winter.

Twenty gardeners spent a wonderful summer planting, weeding, and watering to grow crops of nutritious vegetables. Their harvest included tomatoes, both small and large, squash, kale, and asparagus. The raspberry canes, along with the cherry and pear trees, started producing fruit. The new apricot tree planted in the spring has done well over the summer.

Thank you to Bill Gastmeier for the loan of his trailer to help us keep the garden area tidy and take away compost that can't be accommodated in the bins.

Two of our gardeners will be taking over as coordinators beginning next spring. 

Joan Brunger


Soil Safari

The Soil Safari held on the beautiful afternoon of Sunday, October 20, was a fine event and a great way to celebrate a very successful season for the Alfred Brunger Memorial Community Garden. The event was a collaboration with Redeemer Lutheran of Toronto. 

Profound thanks to Susan Antler and presenter Glenn from the Compost Council of Canada; to Mary (Joy) Philip, Director of the Centre for Earth Consciousness and Gender Justice at Luther; to garden coordinator Joan Brunger;  and to all others who helped on the day with tech support, set up and take down, refreshments and hospitality.  


Gifts from the Heart

CLWR's new Gifts from the Heart catalogue

is available either in hard copy in the

narthex or online at

Every year, because of congregations, thousands of lives are changed through Gifts from the Heart. And your help in getting the word out to your congregation makes such a difference — thank you!

Be sure to see the "Tiny Hearts" section highlighting our project in the Lake Chad region, where kids can be involved with posters and stickers to track their progress as they help restore an ecosystem together!

The Lake Chad project is also highlighted in the NEW colouring contest! All ages are invited to participate and win $500 to spend donating items from this year’s catalogue. Simply print out, colour and submit and you could win one of six prizes thanks to Martin Luther University College, plus a CLWR swag prize pack. Submission details and the colouring page can be found at  


​​​​​​​​​​​​​Food Card Ministry

The Justice Through Service Committee, aided by members of the Health Council, continues to distribute food cards twice a month. Thank you for your financial support.


​Climate Vigils - November 

Faith Climate Justice will again hold Climate Vigils at Waterloo Town Square from 8 to 9 p.m. every Friday through November 29, 2024.


​​Nov. 23 - Two Rivers and Grand River Area Round Table Forum

Saturday, Nov 23, presenters from "Releven" (formerly Trinity Centres Foundation) will be on hand to facilitate this Round Table forum hosted by St. Matthews Lutheran Church, 54 Benton Street, Kitchener. It will take place on Saturday, Nov 23, from 9:30 am to 3 pm. This event is in continuation of the ministry area talks that have been hosted by the MinistrAarea Deans with the intent of moving the conversation forward into action. "Join us for an inspiring event where Lutheran churches will explore how to reimagine their mission and utilize land assets for greater community impact. Discover innovative ways to repurpose space, foster partnerships, and create sustainable change in your local area. Whether you're looking to expand your outreach or transform your resources, this event offers practical insights and collaborative opportunities to help your church make a lasting difference."
Please note that registration is required, as a lunch will be provided. The registration form can be found either in the QR code on the Poster or through this website: Two Rivers Grand River Round Table — Relèven

Whitney Connor, left, and Avery Schlegel, right, publicly affirmed their baptisms on Oct 27 . 

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Many events in the last two weeks made for a surplus of photos. Thanks to photographers Warren Stauch, Joan Brunger and Jane Schlegel, who help tell our story with photos. 

Seen around the building

Five lovely cane-carrying ladies and a cheaky usher was all it took to introduce a new fun group,.

The Sugar Canes

Photo by Warren Stauch

Sarah and David practicing for something!

Photo: Jane Schlegel

From the Health Council's Book Reading on Nancy Kelly's book, "Here Be Wonders.

Left, Mary Slethaugh and Nancy Kelly in discussion.

Riight, Nancy signs a copy for David and Cindy Jacobsen.

Photos: K Gastmeier

From around the garden and the Soil Safari

Participants of the Soil Safair check out Mount Zion's Community garden

Photos: Joan Brunger and Pastor Philip Mathai

Links for Worship and more

  • YouTube


ways to

click here

Sundays 10 am Click on the logo to join the Live Stream Worship

(Recordings of the services are available)


VESPERS    7:00 pm Monday - Thursday evenings
(Sign in any time after 6:30, Service starts at 7:00 pm)


Mount Zion's office tel.: 519 886-5820  office hours: Tues. - Fri. 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Pastor Philip Mathai     cell: 519-781-5602


Music Director Sarah. E. Cardwell

Office Administrator

Margaret Waechter           

Feel free to call our cell phones.

If we aren't available we'll return your call!

© 2025 Mount Zion Lutheran Church, Waterloo, ON Canada. 
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