Black History Celebration Service
11:00 am on Zoom Feb 28
Mount Zion
Lutheran Church, Waterloo
We are stirred and guided by God to become an ever more caring, joyful and diverse Christian community, serving all Creation by striving for justice.
Mount Zion is a member of the Eastern Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada

Photos courtesy of Tom Lou from the Grand River Chinese are available at this link
Mark Your Calendar for these upcoming events
Nov 23 - Caribbean Christmas Dinner
Nov 24 - Pastor's Lunch & Learn​
Dec 8 - Congregational Meeting
Dec 20 - German Christmas Service of Readings and Carols​​​
Dec 24 - Christmas Eve
Service 7:00 pm
Dec 25 - Christmas Day Service 10 am

November 15, 2024
Join us for worship in person or on-line at 10 am every Sunday

Does Mount Zion have talent? You bet! Read all about last Sunday's "talent show" below. But if you missed it, you can watch it now
Pastor Philip writes:
What is still monopolizing headlines worldwide are the results of the US elections last week. Contrary to expectations, the results were not close, and the one who ran on what exemplifies the worst in being human, fear, anger, bigotry, lies and immorality, won the election. As some would say, many feel ‘gobsmacked.’ This is not just a reflection on the candidate but reflects the culture of our times and the very dark places we could go to.
Thinking of our own country could also trigger despair and fear about where we are headed. We are the people of the cross, where the cross assures us of God journeying with us in our fears, despair, and suffering. Wherever we are, our call is to be faithful to the kingdom’s values and countercultural to those values and norms that call for hate, fear, rejection, untruth, anger, etc. Things may seem hopeless, but we are not alone.
Sunday, November 3, was a solemn and poignant occasion when we observed All Saints’ Sunday. During the service, we remembered Richard Heimbecker, Edith Klanert, Isabel Stalkie, Rita Schaus, Fred von Heyking, James Riegert, Cynthia McBean, Ruth Stromberg, Elizabeth Thomas, Doris Berg and Don Stewart, members of our community who passed away during the past year. We had several family members of those who remembered to attend and light candles in memory of their loved ones.
On November 5 and 6, Pastors Karen and Peter Kuhnert organized two days of learning at Mount Zion. The ELCIC Day of Learning on the 5th was a time to reflect on the history and our resources, a time to hear from the Young Adults and their passions and frustrations in being part of the ELCIC and reflecting on the 50th anniversary of the ordination, of women in the Lutheran tradition in Canada.
Bishop Carla was interviewed in person, and she shared her journey that brought her to this point. The evening was capped off by Dr. Gordon Jensen leading the Bible Study, based on his book Experiencing Gospel. It was interesting to hear about the history of the Luther Bible, the translation by Luther, and the nuances that went into the formatting of the text to highlight important words and themes.
The next day, the Canadian Council of Churches Day of Learning focused on the history of CCC, especially in light of the 80th anniversary year. Ten denominations came together in 1944 and formed the Council, Lutherans being one of them. This family has grown to 26 members with several observing bodies. A glimpse of the history of ecumenism in Canada was educational, and we heard from Young Adults about the “Ecumenical Engagement at the Intersection of Faith, Life Sciences and Biotechnology” and on Climate, Peace and Security. Presenter Cesar Jaramillo brought to our attention that over 150,000 people have died because of climate issues and wars in South Sudan in the last 18 months. The singing together as a community in the evening was also refreshing.
In Our Prayers
Let us pray for Kerry Joy, Barb, Christine, Marilyn, Mary-Helen, Sandra, Julian, George, Betty, Rosalie, Thelma, Helen, and the Stewart family. Let us continue to pray for peace in the world, especially in Palestine, Israel, Lebanon, Ukraine, Russia, Yemen, South Sudan and other places. For wisdom and discernment to the leaders to work towards peace. Let us remember all those affected by natural disasters. Let us not forget our own congregation as we, together, look to the future.
In Christ,
Pastor Philip
Office Notes
Pastor Philip is away Nov 20, 21 and 22. But he’ll be back for the Caribbean Christmas
Mount Zion’s Caribbean Christmas Party
Tickets for Mount Zion’s Caribbean Christmas Party are available on Sunday in the narthex for Saturday night’s Caribbean Christmas Party. It’s time to enjoy a traditional Turkey Dinner embellished with the tastes of the Caribbean. It’s time to sing Christmas songs and carols and enjoy the music of the Acoustic Steel Band. It's time to sing the Twelve Days of Christmas, which has become a Mount Zion tradition.
The funds raised from this event support the expense of February’s Black History Month Celebrations. Come out and enjoy the food and welcome the Christmas season.
November 23: Mount Zion’s Caribbean Christmas Party
Doors Open – 5:45 pm
Dinner - 6:00 pm
Cost - $50. Per person (Kids under 12 are free)
Take out Dinner $45. Pick up 4:00 to 5:15 pm
December 8 – following the Service
Congregational Meeting to update you on the work on the Reimaging Mount Zion Initiative. It’s a chance to review what we have done together, learn about our next steps in the process and examine a few modifications to our Strategic Priorities.
Mount Zion Has Talent was a hit!
After much planning, our little “Talent Show” exceeded all expectations. It grew and grew into something quite fantastic. There were over 50 persons in attendance, and we have raised $1,700.00 to date for our Choral Scholar program.
By all accounts, it was a huge success with more than 10 performances. From the themes of Carmen to Star Trek, from Sondheim to the Beatles, from Fiddler on the Roof to the Andrews Sisters, the breadth of musical choices was amazing.
These included our Choral Scholars with Carter and Hanne singing Broadway and popular music pieces; a wonderful flautist’s (Pauline) rendition of five Star Trek themes; a guest appearance by the Grand River Chinese Orchestra and their authentic ancient instruments, and a trio of our very own Pr. Philip, his son Cherub and Richard. Dave left his usual keyboard at the tech station and, with Sarah, graced us with the piano keyboard with offerings of the Beatles and Dave Brubach. There were even guest appearances by the “For-Everly Brothers” and “Elton Cherub Philip John”
You may be disappointed you missed this event. No worries! We recorded it and you can see it on our YouTube Channel at Just press the YouTube Icon on the Home Page.
All the performers should be congratulated for their contributions, but our Director of Music, Sarah Cardwell, was the fulcrum and deserves full adulation. She put in huge time to prepare for this and accompanied the performers with unparalleled skill. It was an effort above and beyond all expectations. Thanks to you, Sarah, and all who contributed, including Arlene, who provided great goodies and a meaningful rendition of Psalm 23.
There have already been calls for a repeat. So keep your ears peeled! I believe this is one of the things we do as a church which holds us together and can send a message outward to all of our communities. Bill Gastmeier, Chair of your Worship and Music Committee
Financial Update
Member regular gifts exceeded last year’s by 11%. WOW!
Excellent Member support, higher rental income and reduced expenses resulted in a deficit of $29,502 in the Ministry & Mission (current) account in the first ten months. This is $56,053 better than what was planned.
Additional Comments:
Member regular gifts of $178,413 are $17,150 better than the plan & exceed the prior year by 11%.
Rental Income from parking & facility of $41,922 is $2,452 better than plan.
Other income of $2,912 is $2,645 better due to receipt of investment income from our Endowment fund, which was not budgeted.
Disbursements of $252,749 are $33,789 lower than plan. Staff costs are $32,923 lower primarily due to Nurse Christine’s Leave of absence and pastoral supply and rental support costs. Committee expenses were also lower by $1,643, and Church Operating expenses were higher by $777.
Your support of Benevolence to the Synod and other designated appeals was $53,783. Of this amount, $42,783 was received from members in support of the Synod ($17,591) and Other specific appeals ($25,192). In addition to member support, as noted, $11,000 was received from grants in support of Open Sesame. Richard Brubacher, Treasurer and Chair of Finance Committee
For the full report click here
The Mitten Tree Returns
Once again, the Mitten Tree will grace the narthex, waiting for your donations of handmade or purchased gloves, mitts, socks, slippers, hats and coats for all ages. We will also collect clothing, hygiene items, and gently used items for the Anishinaabeg Outreach Centre.
You can hang your mitts on the tree until Sunday, December 15th. The items will be delivered to Kitchener’s Anishinaabeg Outreach Centre, which will share them with their centres in Guelph and Cambridge. For questions, contact Joan Schweitzer at 519-886-5977.
Care Ring
Hold the Phone; we are delighted to report that the Care-Ring Ministry has returned. A small group of volunteers will call those people they think might appreciate a call and a chat. We hope that these calls will offer a smile and support. Call Dennis Eaton if you are interested in either volunteering or receiving a ring.
Food Card Ministry
A big thank you to all who are supporting the food cards program as we head into the colder part of the year. Although the monetary value of what we provide to each person or family is small, we are pleased to be part of the work helping to ease food insecurity in our surrounding community. Mary Thompson.
Occasional Sunday School Teacher Needed
We are looking for someone to do Sunday School occasionally, especially when Anne is away. The curriculum is easy to follow and includes a video, activities and activity sheets. If you are willing to assist in this very important ministry, please get in touch with Anne Woolner ( 519-743-2277). Anne will explain the curriculum to you if you are interested.
Mount Zion Kitchen has a New Customer
Every Wednesday, our volunteer Lorraine Wesolowski collects a bag of our veggie scraps for her 'grand-goats' on her daughter's farm near Ayr. They can't wait for them to arrive!
Aside from the goat, the Kitchen has been preparing approximately 30 meals weekly. Don't forget to order your meal by noon on Tuesday. A big thank you to our dedicated volunteers and drivers. Meals are usually ready for pickup by 11:30. Jane Schlegel
Here are the menus for the next few weeks. The menus until early January are available at
Next Week
November 21, 2024
Meat Loaf, mashed taters + salad + roll
Veg Option – Vegetarian stew
Nov 27 Mount Zion Café
Join us at the Mount Zion Cafe on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month, 10:00 to 11:30 a.m., in the Fellowship Hall. Bring a friend! Join in the conversation and meet new and old acquaintances. Learn some health tips that you may find helpful. Call Margaret in the church office by 9:45 a.m. if you need a ride. Future Dates November 27, December 11.
Gifts from the Heart
Canadian Lutheran World Relief has begun this year's Gifts from the Heart campaign. The catalogue can be found at
One of the features is Tiny Hearts
especially for children.
This year they have a brand new colouring contest, where little ones can colour a scene from Lake Chad and win the chance to choose up to $500 of Gifts from the Heart donate. The colouring page can be found here:
Watch for more about the Lake Chad Project in the coming weeks!
Links for Worship and more
Sundays 10 am Click on the logo to join the Live Stream Worship
(Recordings of the services are available)
VESPERS 7:00 pm Monday - Thursday evenings
(Sign in any time after 6:30, Service starts at 7:00 pm)

Mount Zion's office tel.: 519 886-5820 office hours: Tues. - Fri. 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Pastor Philip Mathai cell: 519-781-5602
Music Director Sarah. E. Cardwell
Office Administrator
Margaret Waechter
Feel free to call our cell phones.
If we aren't available we'll return your call!