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Mount Zion Review

Survey of Congregation
Vision Statement
Core Values
Community Round Table
Mission Statement Nov 5

Strategic Directions Nov 5

October 27, 2023

Join us for worship in person or on- line at 10 am every Sunday
  • Scroll to bottom of page for contact information and links to services and activities

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  • Masks are optional at Mount Zion 

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  • Deadline for next edition October 26

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Conrad Barth,

December 9, 2022  


Erna Cassidy,

December 24, 2022

Marjorie Guerra-Francis,

January 20, 2023

Gwen Porter, 

June 1, 2023

Shirley Nanson,

March 22, 2023

Martin Juergensen,

April 5, 2023

Jim Millar,

July 20, 2023

Irma Ries,

March 27, 2023

Gladys Roeder,

May 5, 2023

Charlotte Barth, 

September 3, 2023

Jake Stumper,

October 17, 2023

November 5, All Saints Remembrance  

People around the world celebrate All Saints Day in a number of different ways. Some light candles, some lay flowers and others prepare cook feasts for the departed souls. At Mount Zion, we will be remembering those who departed last year with the lighting of candles. You are also encouraged to light a candle to remember your cherished loved ones. Mount Zion will be remembering these members who passed this year. A list of our members and former members who passed away between November 6, 2022, and October 26, 2023

November 5, Strategic Directions Congregational Meeting ​

Cancelling the Congregational Meeting that was to be held on October 22 was a difficult decision. So, we are once more urging you to this pivotal meeting in the life of our congregation.

During the meeting, council will present a new proposed mission statement and a list of potential strategic directions that we wish to explore as we strive to sustain our ministries and ourselves well into the future. We are grateful to have Karen Bjerland guide us through the process, which will help us prioritize, allocate resources, and focus on our strengths and passions. Strategic planning is often compared to having a map for the future, and we will be creating ours together. As we move forward, the answers will come into clearer view. Please read the Meeting “Preread” document that you received by email last week. It is also available at this link.


This Sunday, we will be celebrating Reformation along with the Affirmation of Baptism of Brennan Schlegel

Welcome Funmi Kehienbe-Obanewa

Welcome New Member Funmi Kehienbe-Obanewa. Funmi is a student at Martin Luther University and will join us both by Zoom and in person as she is able.  Council approved the recommendation from Pastor Philip that she be accepted for membership at their last meeting.


November 18 Mount Zion’s Caribbean Christmas Party  

It’s time for a party!  Mrs. Bell and her crew will be cooking up a storm creating a Christmas feast embellished by tastes of the Caribbean. Along with the food will be music from the Acoustic Steel Band.   The doors will be open at 5:45 p.m.  Festivities will begin at 6:00 p.m. Tickets are $50 and will be available in the narthex. 

The funds from this event support the expenses incurred by February’s Black History Month Celebrations.

Pick Up Dinner Also Available 
A pickup dinner will also be available for those of you who are not able to attend. Menu items will be available soon.

Please Note that the pick-up time is between 4:00 and 5:15 pm. The cost for pick-up meals is $45.


Food Card Ministry Update

We continue to distribute food cards in the third week of each month. With the easing of pandemic restrictions, we have been able to bring recipients into the entryway, with a new arrangement that is more welcoming and facilitates conversation.  Our faithful volunteers are ready to help out in the coming months.  As we see in the newspapers, the need is still great. Please continue to remember this part of our ministry with regular contributions as you are able.

November 12  ‘Baroque and Beyond... A Musicians’ Fundraiser.’

Sunday, November 12, 2023, 7 pm – St Jacobs Mennonite Church (1310 King St. N, St Jacobs) is hosting Musicians of the KW Symphony in a Fundraising Concert entitled ‘Baroque and Beyond... A Musicians’ Fundraiser.’ This concert of Baroque music will be conducted by Andre Feher and feature Ian Whitman on solo bass and guest soprano Bethany Horst.


Sunday, November 12, 2 to 4 pm   Community Conversations & Confections, Sunday  Martin Luther University College.

Community Conversations, at their very core is centered around relationship building. We seek to engage the work of racial justice within a community of people who also want to see the world become a better place for all people. In our sessions, we will discuss what it takes to do the work, ways to support one another, and even practice how to have difficult conversations. We'll also explore other things relating to the topic, such as Indigenous teachings. The idea is for these sessions to build on one another, and for the people to become a community of learning and support.    Rev. Joanne Millar


Sunday, November 19, 2 to 4:  printmaking workshop.
Martin Luther University College

Feather & Cross is hosting a free print-making workshop on November 19, 2023, called "Reflections on A Visual Reconciliation". This workshop is based on the Seven Sacred teachings theme of an exhibit held in the Keffer Chapel at Martin Luther University College, and sign-up via Eventbrite is required as numbers are limited. All supplies will be provided.


November 26 Climate Emergency 101 Workshop

Watch for more details on this workshop, to be presented by Isaiah Ritzmann of the Working Centre, to be held at Mount Zion after the service on Sunday, November 26.​​


In Our Prayers

Your faithful look to you for healing and wholeness as we remember Henriette as she grieves the loss of Jake Stumpher. We also pray for  Gloria,  Mary, Helen, Julian, Arlene, George, Betty, Rosalie, James, Thelma, Helen, and Don and Jean and their daughter Tai.

We pray for those who are suffering through the war between Palestine and Israel. We also pray for peace and well-being for those in the Ukraine. 


Prayer Station

The Health Council will again be providing a Prayer Station on the last Sunday of the month, beginning September 24th.  It will be held during communion at the back of the church in a private manner.

This is an opportunity for individuals to come with their concerns and requests; prayers will be offered in their behalf by two Health Council members.  All are welcome.  -- Mary Slethaug, Health Council.​​


Monday afternoon  Exercise/Walking Group 

Come out for a walk with music, stretches and sit-to-stands every Monday afternoon. This replaces the Community Support Connections exercise class until they find a volunteer staff person to lead a full exercise program at Mount Zion. Call Marg Tupling for more details.


Nov 8, 10 am  Mount Zion Cafe

Meet your friends and enjoy a coffee and a few activities at the Mount Zion Café meeting every second and fourth Wed of the month. Nov 22, Dec 6


 Nov 14, 1.30 pm. Mindfulness Meditation  Practice

will meet the second and fourth Tuesday of the month upstairs. Henriette reminds you to bring a pillow, mat, blanket, water or nothing (all optional). Wear comfortable clothes and be fragrance-free. Open to all. No previous experience is necessary.  Just come. ( Nov 14 Nov 28 Dec 12 Dec 26)

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Some of the volunteer Food Ministry Group!

Top, Margaret Waechter, Anne Crossman, Mary Slethaug, Bottom Betty Behm & Marg Tupling


ways to

click here


Links for Worship and more

  • YouTube

Sundays 10 am Click on the logo to join the Live Stream Worship

(Recordings of the services are available)


VESPERS    7:00 pm Monday - Thursday evenings
(Sign in any time after 6:30, Service starts at 7:00 pm)

Mount Zion's office tel.: 519 886-5820  office hours: Tues. - Fri. 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

How to contact our staff, while our building is closed:  
Pastor Philip Mathai                            cell: 519-781-5602
Music Director Sarah. E. Cardwell
Office Administrator Margaret Waechter           
Nurse Christine Ramseyer            cell: 519-588-8006
Feel free to call our cell phones. If we aren't available we'll return your call!


© 2025 Mount Zion Lutheran Church, Waterloo, ON Canada. 
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